Please share a comment - we're in it together!

If you have a great idea or tip or question about saving money, tax issues, budgeting, or any other money matters, please post a comment. If you have tried one of the ideas from the blog, let us know the results!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hi friends -- it's a crazy world out there!  This blog is to help us make sense of money matters that we encounter in our households...I have learned some tips along the way in my business, and want to share them.  I also welcome questions or discussions, so we can all learn from each other!

I've been a CPA for 25 or so years, and have worked with hundreds of clients and friends on taxes and financial matters.  These days it is more important than ever, with the economy, the demands placed on us, and the fact that many of us are thinking about the retirement years, although those days may still be a way off.  Right now it seems, it's just the day to day running of the household that keeps us hopping.  But as for our money matters, the old fashioned notions our parents banked on (no pun intended) don't always work for us anymore, so we have to get smart about our finances.

Please blog with me!


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